Monday, December 14, 2009

Psy toward Dark Session

This was a nice session but it got a little lost in the hardtech before and after.

Save link as:
Hour-1 (143 mb, 59:47)

Save link as:
Hour-2 (138 mb, 57:18)

1 comment:

  1. 1 Chemical Brothers vs Twinkle lemondo2009-12-11_12h49m22BlockPerdu(2) 2009/12/12 16:03:43
    2 Xenomorph Killer State 2009/12/12 16:11:08
    3 Xenomorph Hallucinatory Spheres 2009/12/12 16:18:47
    4 Meller Prophecy ZEROTOINE 2009/12/12 16:26:04
    5 Juno Reactor Rotorblade 2009/12/12 16:33:27
    6 Hujaboy Too Much Too Soon 2009/12/12 16:38:58
    7 Pain Generate Sperm Near Death Experience 2009/12/12 16:43:27
    8 Kindzadza vs Mubali Normal Preashure 2009/12/12 16:45:55
    9 Torog Shadow of Everything 2009/12/12 16:53:39
    10 Kindzadza 0923141030 [dark psy] 2009/12/12 17:04:19
    11 Kindzadza Kamikazi (Goa Gil Remix) 2009/12/12 17:11:57
    12 Painkiller All Directions 2009/12/12 17:20:49
    13 Cosmo Circle Psyware 2009/12/12 17:28:08
    14 Amygdala The Sprawl 2009/12/12 17:32:07
    15 Dark Soho Gothic Prayer 2009/12/12 17:38:35
    16 Sekt R U Mental 2009/12/12 17:45:24
    17 Kindzadza Fight or Die (Highko remix) 2009/12/12 17:52:51
